Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why Use a REALTOR®

"Many consumers consider selling their home directly but eventually turn to REALTORS®. Smart home sellers realize they need the expertise in pricing their home, making connections with REALTORS® working with buyers, arranging and staffing open houses, and coordinating with other professionals in the sales process."
- National Association of Realtors Website (NAR)

We'd like to share the following Web page from NAR, aiming to educate the home sellers and buyers on the true value and befits of working with a Realtor. On the high level:

"REALTORS® Are Experts"
"REALTORS® Are Part of the Community"
"REALTORS® Protect You"

Click here to learn more!

It's also very important to realize that not all real estate agents are the same...we're not a commodity! Some work part time, some run their business like the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and some--to be quite frank--are out for themselves and thus don't serve the best interests of their clients.

With that in mind, choose a REALTOR® that aligns with your goals and ideals, and someone you have a good connection with. As much as the Internet wants you to believe the home buying and selling process is in-personal, I'm here to tell you that couldn't be any farther from the truth. There several steps and processes involved in a successful real estate transaction, those of which will save you precious time and money if you choose the right real estate agent.

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